Beautifying your landscape is a great return on your investment whether you’re thinking of selling or just want to make your home into the paradise you’ve always wanted. Great landscape construction ideas can turn the plainest, most unsightly, or problematic properties into the best-looking homes in the neighborhood.

Landscaping construction involves much more than just plantings and flowerbeds. It takes landscaping to the next level by addressing the physical attributes of the home lot and accentuating it in countless ways. A plain back or front yard with no character can be completely transformed with landscape construction ideas like adding decorative concrete, brick, or cobblestone walkways, ornamental fencing, stone or brick retaining walls, ponds, bridges, winding yard pathways, patios, trellises, custom gazebos, and much more. Oher issues such as drainage and flooding problems or erosion, can be handled too. 

Landscape construction offers the perfect combination of decorative landscaping and construction site preparation working together to create a whole new space. You will be amazed at the ideas Welch Construction can bring to life by grading and sculpting the ground where necessary, then adding natural components like stone, wood, concrete, and more. Then, traditional landscaping like flower beds, trees, bushes, and other plantings act as the final touch to finish the presentation in what will become a perfect home landscape that your neighbors will be jealous of. 

Welch Construction has the skills, the equipment, and the specialized training to convert a plain, barren yard into a personal home getaway! Whatever outdoor atmosphere you want to create, we can do it!